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Ben-Moshe Manufacturers Representative
Representing Leading Edge
Electro Optics And Imaging
Manufacturers In Israel

Ben Moshe represents leading edge electro optics and imaging manufacturers in Israel.
Its office is located in the heart of Israel’s business center.
Its technical and commercial team provides state of the art support in its specialty fields.
Standard services
Technical assistance to (potential) customers.
Aggressive marketing using our exclusive database of Israeli high tech companies and contacts
Custom release, banking and transport assistance
Follow up on orders and payment
Service of sophisticated equipment
Annual forecasts
Reporting of economic developments of key customers
For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: +972 3 6700007 or fill out the following form:
Head Office
64 Arlozorov St. Ramat-Gan 5249350
P.O.B 18125 | Tel-Aviv 61181 | Israel
Tel: +972 3 6700007
Fax: +972 3 6727319

Customer support
Technical assistance to (potential) customers
Custom release,banking and transport assistance
Service of sophisticated equipment
Follow up on orders and payment

Aggressive marketing using our exclusive database of Israeli high tech companies and contacts

Information providing services
Annual forecasts
Reporting of economic developments of key customers
Ben Moshe have a depth knowledge of the Israeli high-tech industries, and strong ties with all key developers in the electro-optics and imaging branch.
Our clients includes OEM manufacturers in the following fields:
Semi conductor inspection, Wafer inspection, PC-B inspection, FPD inspection, Reticle inspection, CD-SEM, Thickness, Measurement, Thermal monitoring, Optical communication, WDM Network providers, Wireless data links, All optical switches, EDFA, Specialty optical parts.
Medical X-ray CT, Gamma Camera, Photo-dynamic therapy, Laser treatment, wireless endoscopy, HPLC, Dental computerized radiography, CO2 monitoring, mammography, Dental Lasers, 3D dental mapping, Dentist simulator.
Industrial Electronic printing devices, Laser soldering, Pyrometer, Automatic optical inspection, Semiconductor manufacture, Diamond processing, Diamond color analysis
electro-optics, Solid state lasers manufacture, Optical power meters, Beam profiler, IR-camera, Semiconductor lasers, Lens inspection systems, Optics manufacture.
Various X-ray spectroscopic analysis, Defense industry, Optical thermometer, Agricultural sorting machine, Non destructive x-ray inspection, Range finders, 3d mapping, Laser marking, X-ray diagnostic systems, LCD projector, Endo-scope, Crude oil inspection, Fire detection, Passive Ir. Alarm, Traffic control system, Laser induced fluorescence, Raman spectroscopy.
In addition to that, we serve the entire academic market.
Product line
Solar simulators
Steady State Solar Simulators
Flash Solar Simulators
Complete Testing Solutions
IV Testing Equipment
Filters for Solar Simulation
Accessories for Solar Simulators
UV-Visible: Photomultiplier tubes, Photodiodes, Avalanche photodiodes, Phototubes, Micro channel plates, Photon counting detectors
Steady State Solar Simulator
Infrared: InGaAs standard, InGaAs IR-enhanced (up to 2.6 m m), InSb, Ge, MCT, Pyroelectric, PbS, PbSe, InAs, Two-color detector, Photon drag detector.
Linear arrays: C-MOS, N-MOS, Photodiode, InGaAs, CCD,2-dimensional: CCD, C-mos.
Position: Position sensitive detector, Si & InGaAs quadrants.
Light sources
UV: Hg, Hg(Xe), Deuterium, Xe, Metal halide, Xe flash, Nanosecond, UV enhanced-Halogen, fluorescent.
VIS: Xe, Metal halide, Miniature Metal Halide, Halogen, Miniature halogen, Xe flash, LED, Nanosecond, Hg, Hg(Xe), Fluorescent, Calibration, Hollow cathode, Uniform.
IR: Halogen, IR-source, Metal halide IR-source.
Solid state: Laser diodes, Laser diode modules, Picosecond lasers, Femtosecond lasers, Diode pumped, Ti: Sapphire, Nd:YAG, Nd:Glass, Er:YAG, Dye, Tunable, VCSEL..
Gas: Nitrogen, Miniature nitrogen, HeNe, CO2, CO, Argon air-cooled, Excimer miniature.
General: Lenses, Prisms, Windows, Plastic Optics, Polarizing optics, Beam splitters, Holographic diffusers, Diffuse reflectors, Laser dyes, Retarders.
Substrates: Fused silica, Sapphire, Germanium, Hardened glass, Luminescent, Silicon, BK7, ZnS, ZnSe, Quartz. GaAs, KRS-5, KRS-6
Crystals: Laser, Tunable laser, Non linear, Acousto optic, Bifrigent, others
Filters: Interference (NBP, LP, SP, WBP), color glass, Holographic notch, Dielectric, UV-VIS-IR, High power (optical).
Coatings: Antireflection, High reflection, on plastic, UV-VIS-IR.
Beam delivery: Fiber optics, Coherent fiber bundles for image transfer, Fiber optic plate (tapered), Light pipe (bent), Liquid light guide (200-2000nm),
Various: Integrating spheres, Fluoroscopic screens, Phosphors, Color standards, Spatial light modulators, Liquid crystals, Ceramics, Endoscopes
Opto mechanics
Galvanometer, 1/2/3 dimensional scanning head, Mountings, Tables, Positioning, Rotating, Computerized drivers, Choppers, Electro-optic shutters.
Detecting: CCD Camera/s, ICCD, Image Intensifiers C-MOS, N-MOS, PDA
Optics: CCTV lenses, Video microscopes, Zoom lenses, Video pen, fiber-light source Lens for line scan camera, Displays, Monitors.
Processing: Frame grabbers, Processing boards, Image processing software.
Detector: Cooled CCD systems, Gated ICCD systems, Linear InGaAs systems, Photodiode array systems, Raman spectroscopy systems.
Optics: Spectrographs, Holographic volume spectrograph/grating, Notch filter, Tunable filters
Software: Spectroscopy software, Colorimeter software.
Turn key Systems: Raman spectroscopic, FTIR, Fluorescence lifetime, Laser marking, Gas sensors, Led-tester, UV-absorption, Laser simulators, Photolithography, Solar simulators.
Active: Power supplies for Lasers, Arc lamps, Capacitor charging, Laserdiodes, High voltage.
Passive: High voltage capacitors. Delay, Pulse & function generators, VME/VXI electronics
Read-out detectors: Power meters, Pulse power meters, Energy meters. Light meters.
Communication: Photodiodes, VCSELs, Plastic filters for visible reduction, LED, optical filters, Laserdiodes, Fiber optic: optic-electronic converter / testing equipment / MUX/DEMUX, Fiber optics
The list is intended to give you an impression of the product line we offer.
No complete listing is assumed.
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