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Products > Solar Simulators > Photovoltaic Testing System
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Waveplates are used to change the polarization type of the incident radiation by unequally phase-shifting its orthogonally polarized components.
ELAN manufactures Multiple Order and Cemented Zero Order Quarter and Half Waveplates from high quality artificial crystal quartz.
Multiple Order Waveplates are fabricated from a single 1 mm thick plate, pic.2. The retardence at the specified wavelength is equal to an integral namber of waves plus 1/4 or 1/2 λ.
Zero Order Waveplates are made from two individual plates of crystalline quartz, optically contacted with the direction of retardation opposed, pic.1. The final retardation is the net difference in retardation of the two plates, 1/4 or 1/2 λ.
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